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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

La abeja de más

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Un día las abejas se reunieron en el panal para discutir por qué siempre trabajaban tan apretujadas. Luego de cálculos complicadísimos se dieron cuenta que ¡había una abeja de más en esa colmena! Todas se sintieron invadidas y propusieron buscar a la responsable de la sobrepoblación con toda suerte de inventos: detectores de mentiras, pasaportes, hasta que la reina puso orden y encontró la solución perfecta. Trata temas como la migración, la integración social y la igualdad.


One day the bees gathered in the honeycomb to discuss why they always worked so tightly packed. After very complicated calculations they realized that there was one more bee in that hive! They all felt invaded and proposed to search for the person responsible for the overpopulation with all sorts of inventions: lie detectors, passports, until the queen put order and found the perfect solution. It deals with issues such as migration, social integration and equality.


Andrés Pi Andreu

Illustrator: Kim Amate

Reading Grade Level: 3rd

Type of Spanish Book: Authentic

Type of Book: Picture

Genre: Fiction

Size: 9

Cover: Soft Cover

Year Published: 2016