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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Independent Reading: Creating a Classroom Where Readers Flourish

Independent Reading: Creating a Classroom Where Readers Flourish
Books del Sur was fortunate to commission an artist to articulate how we see our books being used in a dual language classroom. Our vision and the illustration is inspired by Donalyn Miller's article "Creating a Classroom Where Readers Flourish" in The Reading Teacher, Volume 66, Issue 2 p. 88-92.
  • Reading Volume Matters

“Recognizing that improving students’ reading comprehension requires that they read a lot, the challenge for many teachers lies in motivating and inspiring our students to read in the first place.”

Our goal is to support classrooms with books that inspire students to read with a partner like they are in the upper left hand corner of the illustration. Reading volumes improves students' comprehension, background, knowledge vocabulary, fluency, and writing. 

Krashen Research

  • Carve out time to read

“The Commission on Reading’s report, ‘Becoming a Nation of Readers’ recommends students engage in two hours of silent sustained reading a week…”

  • Provide Reading Choice

“No single practice inspires my students to read as much as the opportunity to choose their own book does.”

With instructional support we hope that students are inspired to select books that they are interested in, can connect to, and feel comfortable with the content. 

  • Introduce Books and Authors through Read-Alouds

“Students are more interested in reading a book when they recognize the author, have read other books in the series, or heard about the book from another reader.”

Other Resources:

Allington, Richard & Gabriel, Rachael. (2012). Every Child, Every Day. Educational Leadership. 69.

This article is fully downloadable. In addition the citation at the end are linked! 

Stephen Krashen has all of his articles posted on his website as well:

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