Jerónimo della Testa wants to invent the most ingenious machine in the world. With the wood of the forest he creates complex devices, but none seems to make him happy. Will he find the perfect mechanism? Delve into this delirious poetic tale, overflowing with imagination that will take you to know a wonderful collection of automats and the life of their tireless inventor.
Spanish Description: Jerónimo della Testa desea inventar la máquina más ingeniosa del mundo. Con la madera del bosque crea complejos aparatos, pero ninguno parece hacerlo feliz. ¿Encontrará el mecanismo perfecto? Adéntrate en este delirante relato poético, desbordante de imaginación que te llevará a conocer una maravillosa colección de autómatas y la vida de su incansable inventor.
Author : Lizardo Carvajal
Author Nationality : Colombia
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Reading Grade Level: 1st
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction, Science Fiction
Theme: Nature, Imagination