Cuando Eros, dios del amor, se clavó sin querer una de sus flechas, se enamoró perdidamente de la joven y hermosa Psiqué. Pero ella estaba predestinada por el oráculo a sufrir por el amor trágico de su terrible marido.
English Description:
When Eros, god of love, accidentally stuck one of his arrows, he fell in love with the young and beautiful Psiqué. But she was predestined by the oracle to suffer for the tragic love of her terrible husband.
Author : Jacqueline Balcells, Ana María Güiraldes
Illustrator : Marianela Frank
Author Nationality : Chile
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Reading Grade Level: 5th
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Historical Fiction, Fiction
Theme: Romance, Fairy Tale, Fables & Folktales, Drama