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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
Se me olvido cover on a stack of books

Personal Narratives: Build Community and Share Culture

The best part about starting the year with personal narratives in reading and writing is it opens the doors to your students to share stories with each other. Stories are one of the best ways to get to know others - their experiences, their likes and dislikes, and their close community.

The following are some books that we like to read aloud and writing mentor texts to support personal narratives.  These are just a few of them. For a more complete list check out the "Personal Narrative" selection in our online store.

Hoy no quiero ir al Colegio

A story Hoy no quiero ir al Colegio coverabout bullying in school and shows was to resolve conflict through communication. This book includes two perspectives and two sides of the story Martin who is bullied and Jaime, the bully.



Se me olvido



Beltrán forgets everything! It is difficult forSe me olvido cover him to concentrate and pay attention. Through the support of his family and the help little by little he is able to organize things in his head and his backpack. A great story for our friends that struggle with executive function or attention deficit.




Viaje a la luna


Viaje a la Luna book coverThis book shares the perspective of two children from two different worlds that share a common dream - to travel to the moon. On one side one child prepares for space travel and the other child prepares the telescope. This story over comes the complicated socially segregated world we live in because of the children's transparent perspectives and limited prejudices, and shares a story of friendship and inclusion.



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